Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 3 blog

My opinion on web conferences is it's quite useful for people accost the states. It was useful that they could help each other with video and audio they could even talk back and forth.
There was downsides if something wasn't working the person couldn't physically help them. They would have to tell them what to do and if they're not to good with directions or computers they could easily get lost. You also could miss hear them and make a mistake then get lost. It would be better if everyone had a web cam and could show what they're doing to each other to catch mistakes.


  1. This is exactly the content I want to see for you blog entries.

  2. Excellent points Matt. I find too that if I'm on a video conference it can be easier to be interrupted than a meeting or phone call. No idea what to do about that consistently yet though!
